Accomplished Police Detective and Officer at Louisville Metro Police Department, adept in conducting thorough investigations and leading teams to solve high-profile cases. Skilled in negotiation and community relations, significantly enhanced public safety and reduced crime rates. Expert in case management and evidence verification, ensuring successful prosecutions.
Certified hostage negotiator, trained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for over 12 years. Team leader and supervisor of the Louisville Metro Police Department Hostage/Crisis Negotiations Team 1. Skilled in verbal deescalation and negotiations with members of the public experiencing crises, including criminal barricaded suspects, hostage-takers, and people suffering from mental health episodes. Has developed and implemented new and innovative training programs for members of the Louisville Metro Police Department Hostage Negotiations Team.
Promoted to "Police Training Officer" in 2013 in the Louisville Metro Police Department with the responsibility of training newly graduated police officers from the police academy.
Promoted to team leader of the Louisville Metro Police Department Hostage Negotiations Team # 1 in 2020.
Awarded 2016 "National Alliance on Mental Illness- Louisville" Crisis Intervention Team Officer of the Year.
Awarded 2016 "National Alliance on Mental Illness- Kentucky" Crisis Intervention Team Officer of the Year.
Awarded 2016 "National Alliance on Mental Illness- Seven Counties Region" Crisis Intervention Team Officer of the Year.
Awarded two Louisville Metro Police Department "Distinguished Lifesaving" awards.
Awarded two Louisville Metro Police Department "Meritorious Unit Citations."
Certified Hostage Negotiator
Certified Police Training Officer
Certified Crisis Intervention Team Member
Certified Advanced Law Enforcement Officer through the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council
Certified Hostage Negotiator
Certified Police Training Officer
Certified Crisis Intervention Team Member
Certified Advanced Law Enforcement Officer through the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council